Stephens Technology Group provides integrated data management to the health insurer industry with services that include:
- Fraud detection - Searching for claims where the service has not actually been provided. Looking for patterns that would suggest further inquiry into the claim.
- Abuse detection - Searching for patterns indicating that certain providers are performing unnecessary procedures, prescribing expensive medication where a less expensive drug would be as effective, performing unnecessary tests and keeping a patient in the hospital longer than necessary.
Blue Cross
- Analysis of claims
- Providers analysis
- Reporting to groups, government agencies, trade associations
- Analysis of quality of care and costs
- Marketing managed-care contracts
- Financial analysis (actual expenses vs. planned expenses)
- Profitability of manager care arrangements
- Contract performance
- Fraud analysis based on the provider’s health care specialty and the geography of the claim
Pharmaceutical Insurance
- Sales and marketing
- Provider profiling
- Government reporting
- Utilization
- Claims
- Actuarial
- Integrating pharmaceutical information with medical claims
- Cost analysis by patient demographics and geographical distribution
- Cost analysis by provider, provider specialties and treatment protocols
- Analysis by diagnosis/prescription
- Generic/brand name drug comparisons
Insurance Research
- Claims information